
My Post Is About My Introduction

Welcome to my Online Web Log for Humorous and Serious Casual. Sometimes humorous and sometimes sad. Majority humorous. Like this: 8=====> That's a penis. If it offends you, please send me a message and I will remove it immediately. I'm just putting it there as an example of how I want to push boundaries. I'm a joker at heart. I probably won't do that penis thing again, so if you're gay and looking for some cheap thrills, no need to keep checking my web log.

This is not a serious post. I have serious things to express and write. Not now, this is only a post for making people smile and babies happy.

I dream my Web Log will make at least one baby on Earth smile and be happy. Hope that doesn't sound cheesy, because it's from my heart. Attention moms! Please don't ad-lib or skim when reading my web log to your babies. Make sure to repeat exactly what I write because the power of my words is in the details. If you're one of those single moms that can't read all that well or you know a single mom that can't read, write me and I might be able to come up with an illustrated version of my web log if there is a big enough interest.

Thank you and put sunscreen on babies.

End of post. If you read anything below this line, it is NOT part of this post.

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